Sports are very exhilarating in Fallon Middle School. The raging crowd, athletic players, encouraging coaches. Some people love the brief and satisfying seasons, which people are always interested in, but some people are itching to play an extended season with their coaches and their teammates. There are many mixed opinions about sports seasons, but either can outweigh the other.
Seventh grade basketball player, Alex Lin states, “I would rather have a longer season, because I play soccer as well, so I would want to play soccer for a shorter period of time in a year than basketball.” This is just one opinion of the many in Fallon.
Seventh grade basketball coach and PE teacher, Mr. Ottey, believes that the sports seasons should stay the exact same length, “…because currently all school districts have an agreement on how long the seasons are.” These individuals have different judgments on the sports seasons at Fallon’s length.
The athletics director, Mr. Parsons had something similar to say, “The reason the sports seasons are the length they are is because there is not enough time and space in the gym to fit all the sports in.” The head of all athletics said the reason very clearly, sports seasons are the way they are because of the number of sports teams at Fallon and the amount of space in the gym.
Mr. Ottey also says, “The season should stay the same length because currently, all districts have an agreement on how long the seasons are, 6 weeks per sport team.”
A lot of coaches agree on the length of sports seasons, but the amount of kids who play sports are also a factor in the length of sports seasons. There are a lot of sports teams and kids who play sports and get on the school teams and it is not fair for one sport to get a longer season than other sports and that’s why the sports seasons are the way they are, along with the space in the gym.
So in all, the coaches and players have very different responses and opinions about the length of sports seasons, but the final problems are the number of kids who tryout and are on the team and the amount of space in the gyms of our school and in other schools.