Sean John Combs, also known as late 1990’s popular rapper P. Diddy has been accused of sex trafficking and sexual assault towards women. Despite the amount of evidence pointing towards P. Diddy as being guilty, he pleaded as innocent. The evidence, however, accumulates to years of abuse against his victims. Given Diddy’s ongoing court case, it highlights the need to discuss common warning signs that we can understand from the Combs case. There are many signs of abuse that P. Diddy exhibits on his victims:
1. Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a person seeks to make someone doubt their perceptions. This can be harmful because it’ll cause them to question themself, and make them think they are going insane, or mentally unstable. There have been various allegations against Diddy regarding gaslighting. Some of his former partners accused him of being manipulative in situations to make them question their feelings, and make them feel at fault.
2. Threatening behavior
Threatening behavior is intentional behavior that can cause fear of injury or harm. Examples are actions or words intended to cause fear or harm, including direct or implied threats of violence. According to Sean Combs is Accused of Year of Abuse from the New York Times, “In naming additional defendants, the court papers assert that others who worked with Mr. Combs had helped him to control Ms. Ventura, at times by threatening her with retribution — like suppressing her music if she did not obey his orders or by helping to conceal his behavior.” By threatening his victim, Casandra Ventura, he had control over her since she was worried of what he would do if she didn’t obey him.
3. Physical Appearance
Examples of physical abuse in someone’s appearance are unexplained bruises, cuts, abasions, burns, and any untreated injuries. According to Sean Combs is Accused of Years of Abuse from the New York Times, “Mr Combs became enraged when he saw Ms. Ventura talking to another talent agent, then pushed her into a car and kicked her repeatedly in the face, making her bleed.” Diddy’s victim, Casandra Ventura, was beaten multiple times each year.
4. Morbid Jealousy
Morbid jealousy involves irrational and very excessive feelings and suspicions about a partner’s fidelity. Diddy has been described to have morbid jealousy especially in his relationships. This kind of jealousy can lead to tension and conflict along with emotional manipulation. His former partners have shared experiences where they were restricted due to his jealousy. This can create a toxic environment.
5. Controlling behavior
Controlling behavior involves actions meant to manipulate someone often by isolating them, restricting their autonomy, and controlling their resources. Diddy had control over Casandra’s career as well as having access to her medical records. He also controlled what she wore and her finances.
In conclusion, the Combs case serves as an important reminder of the warning signs we often overlook in relationships. There are resources available such as talking to a therapist, a counselor, or even law enforcement if necessary. It’s crucial to recognize these red flags because they can help protect ourselves from toxic relationships that drain away our energy and happiness.