For thousands of years, the Lunar New Year has marked the beginning of the new year in many places around the world. According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2025 is the Year of the Snake. The Lunar New Year, often referred to as the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival, is always celebrated between January 21 and February 20. This year, the festivities began on January 29. But how did these traditions come to be?
One story about the origins of the Chinese New Year tells of a mythical beast named Nian who came to a village every New Year’s Eve to eat animals, crops, and people. To stop the Nian from eating their crops, people offered them food. An old man figured out that Nian was afraid of loud noises and the color red. So, people put red on their doors and lit firecrackers to scare Nian away. This turned into a tradition to keep Nian away.
Some people believe that the Chinese New Year originated in the Shang Dynasty when people started to honor their ancestors with sacrificial ceremonies at the beginning of the year. The Chinese Zodiac Calendar was established in the Han Dynasty, where the fixed date for the new year was set. In 1912, the government adopted the Gregorian Calendar and made January 1 New Year’s Day. After 1949, Chinese New Year was renamed the Spring Festival and made a national holiday.
The Lunar New Year revolves around the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, which resets every twelve years. The story behind the Zodiac Calendar begins with a swimming race between all the animals. The Jade Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, decided there would need to be a way of measuring time. He announced that the first twelve animals that crossed a rapid river would have years named after them.
The first animal who traveled across the river was the rat, who rode across the river on the ox’s back, afraid of drowning. The second was the strong ox, who could easily cross the river. The third was the tiger, who climbed onto the river bank exhausted. The fourth animal was the rabbit, who hopped across stepping stones to a log, upon which he drifted to the other side. The fifth was the dragon, who could have easily flown across the river, but stopped to help animals in need.
The Jade Emperor then heard the horse’s footsteps and was sure the horse would come in sixth place. However, a snake slithered under the horse, startling it. This gave the snake a chance to slide into sixth place and forced the horse to come seventh. Soon after, the goat, monkey, and rooster floated to the finish line on a raft. The three animals had worked together to push the raft onto the river at the beginning of the race. The Jade Emperor named the eighth year after the goat, the ninth year after the monkey, and the tenth year after the rooster.
The eleventh animal to cross the river was the dog. The Jade Emperor was confused as to why the dog finished so late, despite being a great swimmer. The dog just said that he had to have a bath in the clear river water. The Jade Emperor waited for the last animal, but there were none to be seen. He was just about to leave when he heard the boar grunt. When questioned about his late arrival, the boar simply said that he stopped to eat and fell asleep after the meal. The boar was named the twelfth and last year of the Zodiac. Since this race, the Chinese Zodiac Calendar has followed this cycle of animals.
During the first days of the celebrations, younger family members receive hong bao or lai see, red envelopes full of money. On the third day, it’s considered bad luck to visit family members. Usually, this day is used for paying respect to deceased relatives. Washing your hair on the first day of the New Year is also bad luck. It’s seen as washing all the good luck out. Throughout the whole festival, people host parties, light firecrackers, and watch lion dances. The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Spring Festival. The lights celebrate the first full moon after the new year and guide lost souls home. They were first introduced by monks to honor the Buddha.
The celebration of the Lunar New Year happens in countries all over Asia. South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore also partake in the two-week festivities. Among the biggest holidays in China, the Chinese New Year is widely recognized as the most important celebration.
National Geographic: Lunar New Year