User: Busy Kid
Question: How to balance school homework with other activities and homework and a little bit of fun.
Dear Busy Kid,
Balancing your life with education and fun is hard. However, the best way to manage both of these effectively is to plan out your day. For example, try doing 15 minutes of math, 15 minutes of science, etc. Try to have water and snack breaks in between, so you don’t get overworked. When you are done with homework and extracurricular activities, take some time to have some fun. You can hang out with your friends, watch some TV, play video games, etc. All that matters is that you are managing your time effectively. Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: JLZ
Question: Sometimes I feel like I hurt my friends without intending to. What can I do?
Dear JLZ,
Friendship is a very important thing in life, and communication is key. Try to think before you speak when you talk to them. If someone said that to me, would I like it? If you still feel like you hurt them, try talking to them to better understand them. Best of luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Confused Cat
Question: Do I talk to my crush or not?
Dear Confused Cat,
Do what you think is right. You should definitely talk to them if you want to become closer to them. Just be confident. Don’t be afraid to show who you are. Start out slow and become friends with them. Don’t jump into anything quickly since it’s still middle school. Best of luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Mad Mustang
Question: One girl that’s really mean to everyone, including my friends and me, wants to eat lunch with our “friend group”. I don’t want to tell her to back off, but then she’s probably going to stay. What should I do?
Dear Mad Mustang,
These kinds of situations can be frustrating sometimes, but it’s best to remain calm. You don’t want to make them mad. You should tell this mean girl what you think of her, in a nice and polite way. If you never tell her, she will never get the message. You should sit down privately with your friends and talk to her. Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Chris Vensa
Question: Some students at Fallon are being rude and downright disrespectful to other students in the lunch line. Although I try to stand up to them, my friend stays quiet in the corner. Anyone know how I could encourage them to speak up with me?
Dear Chris Vensa,
It is not fun to have to deal with rude people. If you want your friend to also stand up to the people in the line, the best way to do it is to tell them. They don’t know how you feel if you don’t express it. If the people in line are still behaving the same way, then it is best to talk to one of the administrators here. Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: saie
Question: How to prioritize and efficiently complete work?
Dear saie,
There are many ways to efficiently complete your work on time. First, try to plan out the things you have to work on, working on the easy quick ones first then moving into harder things like projects and reading. This will help prioritize your work. Also, do not multitask. If you are going to listen to music, try calming piano music or study sounds. Make sure to take a break to get some water or a snack in between to help refresh your mind. Additionally, turn off distractions such as phones. Removing unnecessary items in your room can also help. Good luck studying!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Ishani
Question: How to do good on classwork and homework?
Dear Ishani,
Classwork and homework can be a struggle sometimes. However, there are many ways to get better at them. For classwork, try to ask your teacher for help to understand the concepts. You will get much better at classwork when you understand the topic completely. For homework, try to budget your time, and create a homework plan. Make sure to understand the assignment, and try to focus when you do it. Most of all, don’t stress yourself! Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Sporty Human
Question: I want to know what to do with a coach that has favorites, and I am not one of them.
Dear Sporty Human,
First of all, you should know that MANY people who play competitive sports feel this way about their coaches and teammates. The best thing to do is talk with your coach privately. Approach your coach with an open and respectful attitude without blaming or accusing. If that does not work, understand the coach’s decision-making and ask other players if they are experiencing something similar so they can come back as a group. Playing a sport requires teamwork, and if your coach does not know that, it’s better to go find someone who values you and your skills. Best of luck to you!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Overwhelmed Otter
Question: This past semester, I’ve been feeling generally sad. I’ve been really struggling with my mental health, and it’s getting to a pretty bad point where I’ve used some very unhealthy coping strategies. I feel like my lack of connection is what often causes it, although a couple of friends do know I think this way. I’ve wondered if there’s something more going on with my mental health. The thing is, although I feel sad a lot recently, I also have moments of happiness throughout my day- but I feel like those don’t affect me enough to improve my mental health. I kind of don’t know what to do anymore. I’m scared to get help with some of the things I’m struggling with, but I know I’m definitely not doing well. I also feel burned out and misunderstood often, which is detrimental. Do you have any tips on how I can manage this more effectively? Do you think I need to get professional help, or is it just me being a moody, sensitive girl? How can I be happier and stop coping in unhealthy ways??
Dear Overwhelmed Otter,
We are so sorry that you have been feeling this way. The best way to manage this more effectively is to seek professional help. There are many professionals in our city who care about your mental health, and they will have the best ways to become happier and stop coping in unhealthy ways. Most insurance companies pay for this type of treatment. Try to bring the subject up with your parents so you can get connected with a professional. If you cannot reach out to professionals, there are many empathetic staff here at Fallon, like Teacher Sharbach. Her classroom is located at C-4. You can also talk to Peer Education and Counseling (PEAC), the student support group here at Fallon. Additionally, you can reach out to your counselor or a teacher you trust. Good luck and please take care!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Sick Student
Question: A girl that is really mean wants to sit with us, but it’s so annoying because she’s really popular, but she’s so rude. My friends give out little hints to her, saying that we don’t want to sit with her unless she becomes nicer, but she’s either clueless or doesn’t want to know.
Dear Sick Student,
No one should be able to tolerate a rude person – no matter their social status. We appreciate you and your friends trying to give hints to her in a respectful manner. At this point, the only way you can stop her from sitting with your friend group is to tell her in a mature conversation about how she makes you feel. If she makes a rude comment in front of you, point it out to her immediately and let her know you’re not okay with it. If she still does not understand, then talk to one of our counselors. Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: molangmemememe
Question: How do you make people not spread rumors?
Dear molangmemememe,
Having people spread rumors about you doesn’t feel good. Make sure to stay calm and explain the real issue to those who you believe spread those rumors, if they’ll listen. This can clear up any misunderstandings if the rumor is not spread on purpose. If that doesn’t help, then tell a staff member about the problem so they can assist you before it gets out of hand. Building trust with your friends and classmates can help reduce the spread of rumors about you. Best of luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Skilled Bandicoot
Question: How do I get better skin and look better?
Dear Skilled Bandicoot,
Confidence is everything. I know many people say this, and it might not sound believable, but it’s true. You should also start getting enough sleep, eating a good diet, and doing things that make you happy. Ultimately, you will feel much better because you care for yourself mentally! As for your skin, start investing in a good skincare routine according to your skin type. Remember, if a product is expensive, it doesn’t always mean it’s good. Some good skincare brands that aren’t crazy expensive are CeraVe, The Ordinary, and Cetephil. Dermatologists also recommend them! Good luck!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Anonymous Butterfly
Question: So, I get really depressed, but only when my parents are around. School is the only thing keeping me the same. What to do?
Dear Anonymous Butterfly,
I am sorry that you have been feeling this way with your parents. You should find out what about your parents makes you feel sad, and talk to them. Your parents want the best for you, and we know if they find out how they have been making you feel, they will want to make the situation right as soon as possible. Try to reflect on yourself and see if there is anything that might be triggering these emotions. If the depression gets worse, then talk to one of our counselors, Teacher Sharbach (advisor for Peer Education and Counseling), peer education and counseling members, or a trusted person or teacher. Good luck with the conversation with your parents! Stay safe!
– Maverick Advice Column
User: Pilly
Question: How do I talk to strangers?
Dear Pilly,
Talking to new people is very hard, especially in middle school. It feels like everyone is judging you, and sometimes it gets pretty awkward. Just go up to them, smile, add some compliments, and try to find something you both have in common. Starting a meaningful conversation is pretty straightforward. You might even find someone you would want to be friends with. Good luck talking to strangers!
– Maverick Advice Column